It may surprise some people, but there is a new weapons technology which has the potential to be more dangerous than nuclear weapons. It is based upon the discoveries and inventions of Nikola Tesla in the early Twentieth Century, and is called Tesla or scalar wave technology. It was first brought to the attention of the American public by retired Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden, consulting engineer to the Defense Department. When the Soviet Union was still in existence, he claimed that it had a dangerous lead in this technology, and that the U.S. had better catch up or be annihilated (see his book Oblivion). There was some truth to his claim, although he greatly exaggerated the extent of the Soviet lead and threat it posed to the United States. After all, the Soviet Union was the only nation to take Tesla's ideas on weaponry seriously during his lifetime , and there is some evidence that the Soviets were ahead in the field by the mid-twentieth century (see Tesla: Master of Lightning, by Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth, p. 131, and Inside the Company: A CIA Diary by Philip Agee, pp. 90-91). Bearden's theories were dismissed as something from the lunatic fringe, but however paranoid he was about Soviet capabilities, he was quite prescient concerning the capabilities of scalar weapons. In fact, in the nineteen-eighties, an American scientist named Bernard Eastlund began to patent a number of scalar inventions with military applications which were ultimately used to establish the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska. The potential for HAARP to cause dangerous disruptions in the earth's environment is very real but cannot be discussed here: for further information, readers should consult Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Angels Don't Play this HAARP. What makes scalar technlogy relevant to the concerns of this column is, first of all, that scalar weapons can be used to achieve global conquest through total "spectrum dominance", so that if the United States becomes a totalitarian state, it will be unassailable. Secondly, these weapons also have quite a frightening potential as instruments of torture.
Opponents of Star Wars have long been warning against the dangers inherent in space weapons, which can enable whatever nation has supremacy to control the whole planet. But they have not yet caught up with the dangers posed by the use of scalar weapons in space-- and elsewhere. For instance, Bruce Gagnon and his Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space have for many years been fighting actively against this very real threat. Recently, he sent me an e-mail circular which quoted the U.S. Directed Energy Program as saying in 2007 that their scientists and engineers had continued "to improve the nation's ability to use directed energies, such as high-energy lasers, high-powered microwaves and to precisely project these directed energies at the speed of light anywhere, at any time, to detect, track and deter or use lethal force to destroy any threats to the U.S. and the Warfighter." He interpreted this to mean that "the Pentagon is making progress with their testing program to fire lasers from earth to space, through space, and from space to the planet below." But he is wrong. Because the really significant and alarming word in the quotation is "microwaves". It is microwaves that HAARP is using to "lift" the lower regions of our magnetosphere, in an attempt to influence the weather for military purposes, and much more. Lasers may have been a mere decoy target from the first. As a webpage on Nikola Tesla's inventions asks, the only defense against scalar weapons is a Tesla Shield. "Therefore, those persons wishing to use scalar waves on an unsuspecting population would rather that they were unaware of this technology, and thereby unable to protect themselves from it by the use of the same technology. Is that the reason that the Pentagon does not discuss scalar wave technology, but rather maintains that they are going to use impractical laser technology instead?" ("Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields").
The technology being used in HAARP-- specifically Eastlund's patents-- is now owned by Raytheon. This is significant. For Raytheon has recently developed a weapon for crowd control called "Silent Guardian", which produces a type of scalar wave and which it is planning to, and probably already has deployed in Iraq. As Michael Hanlon, reporter for the Daily Mail says,"A square transmitter as big as a plasma TV screen is mounted on the back of a jeep. When turned on, it emits an invisible, focused beam of radiation-- similar to the microwaves in a domestic cooker-- that are tuned the precise frequency to stimulate human nerve endings. It can throw a wave of agony nearly half a mile. Because the beam penetrates the skin only to a depth of 1/64 of an inch, it cannot... cause permanent, visible injury." But that's just the problem. Even the victims of the Inquisition's slow fires knew that eventually they would be consumed and their agony end. Hanlon points out that these devices could be used as "efficient torture weapons.' Having tested a small box which emits such heat waves, he says, "I couldn't hold my finger next to the device for more than a fraction of a second... but what if my finger had been strapped to the machine? We use the word 'medieval' as a shorthand for brutality. The truth is, the new technology makes racks look benign." ("Run Away the Ray-Gun is Coming: We Test the U.S. Army's New Secret Weapon," Needless to say, when used as intended for crowd control, this weapon can make all organized demonstrations of opposition to our government-- including peaceful ones-- impossible. Raytheon says that Silent Guardian is "being used only by the North American military and its allies" and not countries with "questionable human rights records". But no nation has a worse record on human rights than the United States. As Alfred McCoy says, "In its pursuit of torturers around the globe for the past forty years, Amnesty International has been, in a certain sense, following the trail of CIA programs (A Question of Torture, p. 11) And nothing could be better suited to salving the conscience of the torturer: just put someone in a room with the device, turn it on, leave and let them roast.
According to an estimate based by Chalmers Johnson on one of Bush's speeches, there are now some 3,000 inmates in 24 secret CIA detention and interrogation centers worldwide (Nemesis, p. 124). Many of these may be completely innocent, having been handed over for a bounty or as the result of a personal grudge, as happened often during the CIA's Phoenix program. We cannot know, as none have had access to a lawyer, the press, or a fair trial. The CIA has admitted that it is still torturing them despite the fact that most no longer have any intelligence value, if indeed they ever did (see Newsweek October 8, p. 66). Are these people being used as guinea pigs in tests of these new scalar torture devices? I call upon organizations concerned with the protection of human rights, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to look into this. I also call upon all those with influence within foreign governments to warn them of this danger, so that they can protect themselves. I call upon members of our intelligence and armed services to make such information available to the press and foreign nations. There is no people on earth, including the American people, which is safe from the United States government. Only those who are fully informed will be able to protect themselves, and it is our duty as moral human beings to make sure that every person-- American or foreigner-- and the government of every nation which might be attacked by the U.S. government, is fully informed. Our government wants us to be in the dark, but let us tell it loud and clear: We know, we are going to make sure the entire world knows, and we are not going to let you get away with it.
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